song of the sea
t r a v e l i n g a p o t h e c a r y
a small batch wildcrafted apothecary to support your plant- powered connection.
The Apothecary
plant healing
My name is Marisa, Founder of Song of The Sea Apothecary.
As a child I loved spending time alone in the woods. I would gather flowers and acorns and play in the simple pleasures and treasures of the natural world. Later in life, I became busy, got diagnosed with multiple illnesses and was prescribed pharmaceuticals that simply were not working for me. I longed to re-discover my connection to the natural world and so into the forest I went. I sought after plant allies that could support me. I let my intuition guide me, and then began to discover that my body truly knew what plants it needed- all from allowing magic to exist in the present moment. After a few short months, I was seeing miracles happen and my healing was well underway.
This apothecary was formed from that miracle. I wish for others to experience the benefits of plants that have been listened to and respected to maintain its pure form.
Many of the plants and flowers in my products are foraged from my travels around the world or grown in my garden. I focus on the physical, energetic and spiritual medicine of each plant. The sacred relationship between people and plants have been around for time immemorial. We simply need to re-awaken the relationship.

“In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.”
― Robin Wall Kimmerer
Yes! All the ingredients I use are organic, natural, and wild harvested when possible. I have a very strict rule that when I am foraging that the plants are at least 1.5 miles away from streets, cars, and smoggy traffic to make sure the plant is in pristine shape.
Yes! I use an organic vodka that is distilled seven times in small batches and is gluten-free.
All my facial products are non comedogenic. Meaning they won’t clog your pores! I use a grass-fed grass-finished rendered beef tallow, organic cold pressed jojoba and organic cold pressed sweet almond oil.
An honorable harvest is when you give something before you take. It is an exchange of life for a life. Whenever I am foraging, I always give a pinch of tobacco to the plant and ask permission. For me, this is a way to honor the plant before even working with it. I believe this allows me to be a seamless bridge to connect you with the physical, spiritual and energetic medicinal properties.